This blog is designed to enlighten, inspire, and inform my audience. It is based on my personal experiences and what I have come to learn and grow from based on those experiences.

I blog on various topics, and post recent works of art including poetry, stories, photos, and featured articles of my latest work.

Topics include, but are not limited to: alternative health, psychology, domestic abuse, women's rights, the health care industry, exotic dancing industry, entertainment industry, and more.

Any psychological theory or content is based on numerous and well-researched data including, but not limited to, work of M. Scott Peck, Carl Jung, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Barry Sears, and various, credible internet sources.


Enter, read and utilize at your own risk.


I'm Running

I'm Running.

If I ever come back, it will be considered a miracle.


  1. Glad to see you're still posting, hon. I've been worried since you dropped off Facebook. Give me a call when you get a chance. I miss you.

  2. Amazing!
    I have to tell you, I have no idea how I stumbled across this blog, but once I started reading it I couldn't stop. It was truly fascinating. The fact that you're so honest was certainly a factor, but I think what I really found intriguing is the fact that you're almost hyper intelligent. (Not to sound like a school marm, but) your sentence structure, syntax and conveyance of thought are very impressive-especially considering your A.D.D etc. etc.
    Once I finished reading I watched your (interview) video and I surprised by your confidence. That's seems unusual in an abuse victim.
    And your interpretive dance? -AMAZING! I mean, TRULY.
    You're definitely a triple threat. Intelligence, beauty and talent.
    I'm going to be honest with you now, so baton down your britches!
    On the beauty end, do yourself a favor and drop that dark eyeliner unpleasantness. When you have light/beauty inside you and you plaster it over with darkness, you appear ungrateful for what you have been blessed with. True beauty ALWAYS glows outward from within. And, just like in nature, lightness and darkness CANNOT co-exist. That's simply a fact. In my experience, life, can be boiled down to one simple truth. God understands your situation, and will always give you the necessary strength to endure hardships-and reward you for for faithfulness-eventually (I know, pisser, isn't it?!). But if you turn to the devil for some beautiful deception, that light within you, -the one that makes YOU truly beautiful, will be gone. What a shame that would be. You are truly talented and bright individual. Please, Use it to better yourself, not dig a hole.
    Take care, take the straight path and thank you so much for writing such a truthful, fascinating and important blog.

  3. You're like Lisbeth Salander come to life! -Just don't get the Dragon Tattoo. One of your best 'features' is the fact your bod is tattoo and piercings free. That's bank. Don't blow it with some nasty tramp stamp or skankly ankle art. Yes, It's me Anonymous again (see above) Your last post was sorta-kinda like a cliffhanger, so I just had to check back in to see if Snidely Whiplash still had you tied to the train track, or wether you had escaped (as a result of your own ingenuity of course) -the last think you need is some Dudley Dooright expecting a cut of the action. (:
    I never knew you existed before two days ago, but now that I do, you owe it to me and Andrew up there to at least let us know if you're OK so we can get on with out lives.
    Since you can't whistle over the internets, just wink. One of these with do (;

  4. miss you dearly, always tito

  5. To Anonymous (Jan. 30) -
    LOL, I plan on NO tattoos, ever.
    1) My mother would murder me (I may be 24, but I still do listen to my mama...).
    2) I have a small, red beauty mark on my low back that I call my "strawberry patch" an odd assortment of beauty marks.
    3) ex-boyfriend used to call my pockmarks on my face "decoration", I am not opposed to other people getting ink, in fact I've seen a lot of really cool ink (my model girlfriend Trinity has tribal tattoos that are wicked cool) to add anything more I feel would be like...oxy-moronic, if you will.

    Here's a wink back!! ;)
